A captivating sky can enhance a photograph's beauty. But what if the natural sky isn't ideal, or you want to create a specific mood? Sky replacement apps can help. Here, we explore the best sky replacement software to transform your images quickly.

Luminar Neo: The Leading AI-Powered Sky Replacement Tool

Top Sky Replacement Software to Enhance Your Photos
(Photo: Luc Dobigeon from Unsplash) A beautiful sky is a go-to background for photographers, but sometimes it's usually dull to be a backdrop. Fortunately, sky replacement apps are here.

Why Luminar Neo Stands Out

Luminar Neo by Skylum is renowned for its exceptional sky replacement capabilities, thanks to advanced artificial intelligence (AI). Skylum's AI technology simplifies intricate tasks, making sky replacement easy and quick.

Effortless Sky Replacement

Replacing a sky in Luminar Neo is incredibly user-friendly. With just a few clicks, the AI handles all the complexities, allowing you to replace a sky in seconds. This efficiency makes it a top choice for photographers seeking quick results.

Wide Selection of Skies

Luminar Neo offers an extensive range of sky options. The basic program includes various skies, but additional sky packs are available for purchase if you need more. Once you select your desired sky, simply click apply. The AI ensures a seamless blend without the need for manual adjustments.

Additional Advanced Features

Beyond sky replacement, Luminar Neo includes other AI-powered tools like background removal, masking, and relighting. These features make it a comprehensive photo editing solution.

Pros and Cons of Luminar Neo


  • Quick and easy to use

  • Extensive sky options included

  • No prior editing experience required

  • Natural-looking results

  • Automatic scene adjustments to match the new sky


  • Additional sky packs require purchase

Related Article: Best Magic Editor AI Features Coming to Google Photos Soon

Landscape Pro: Versatile Sky and Landscape Editing

Customizable Sky Replacements

Landscape Pro offers a versatile approach to sky replacement. It includes numerous built-in presets that you can adjust with sliders. You can also add your own sky images or use the provided presets.

Adjustable Lighting and Atmosphere

This software allows you to tweak lighting, atmosphere, and other sky elements. You can move individual clouds and adjust the sun's position to create 3D lighting effects, adding depth to your images.

Manual Precision

While Landscape Pro provides tools to help with masking, it relies on manual input for precision. You must carefully label and mask elements in your scene, which can be time-consuming but results in detailed adjustments.

How to Replace Sky with Landscape Pro

  1. Open your image in Landscape Pro.

  2. Label the sky and other objects in the image.

  3. Refine the masks.

  4. Open the Sliders tab in the Sky panel.

  5. Select a sky or click + to add your own.

Pros and Cons of Landscape Pro


  • Extensive lighting and atmosphere effects

  • Reflects sky in water for added realism


  • Requires manual masking

  • Some effects can appear unrealistic if overused

  • Can be sluggish at times

Adobe Photoshop: Quick and Customizable Sky Replacement

Fast Sky Replacement with AI

Adobe Photoshop offers a straightforward sky replacement feature powered by AI. If you're already using Adobe products, this is an efficient way to change your sky with minimal effort.

Customizable Adjustments

Photoshop's Sky Replacement tool allows you to customize the sky's temperature, horizon blending, and foreground lighting. Both sky and foreground adjustments appear as editable layers, providing flexibility to tweak the final look.

Ease of Use

Photoshop excels in masking and blending, ensuring a natural transition between the new sky and the foreground. While it may not have as many creative options as some specialized tools, it provides reliable and professional results.

How to Replace a Sky with Photoshop

  1. Open your image in Photoshop.

  2. Select Edit > Sky Replacement.

  3. Choose a sky or click the gear icon to add your own.

  4. Click OK.

Pros and Cons of Adobe Photoshop


  • Easy to use

  • Customizable lighting and color adjustments


  • Requires a subscription

Choosing the right sky replacement software depends on your needs. Luminar Neo offers exceptional ease of use and AI-driven efficiency. Landscape Pro provides detailed customization for those willing to invest time in manual adjustments. Adobe Photoshop delivers quick, professional results with its reliable AI tool. 

No matter your choice, these tools can help you improve the quality of your photographs to pave the way for a clear sky.

Read Also: AI Makes Photoshop Easier: Create, Edit Images Faster with Text Descriptions

Joseph Henry

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