NSA employees collect and pass around attractive nude photos of American citizens: Snowden

Well, this is disturbing, but nothing we didn't imagine before. According to former NSA contractor, Edward Snowden, employees at the agency regularly intercept text messages and emails sent by Americans to their significant other. Some of these text and emails contain nude images, and employees would take these images and share them around the office.

If Edward Snowden is correct, it will mean that several of your dirty sexual images have been viewed by NSA contractors.

Snowden made the claims in a 7-hour long interview with The Guardian:

"You've got young enlisted guys, 18 to 22 years old. They've suddenly been thrust into a position of extraordinary responsibility where they now have access to all of your private records." Snowden went on to say that these individuals often "stumble across something that is completely unrelated to their work" - like a nude image of a person in "a sexually compromising situation." If the person in the nude images were attractive enough, employees would then let others in on the fun. "So what do they do? They turn around in their chair and they show their coworker."

Now, depending on how mature some employees are, the sharing of nude images could be more or less frequent.

While we've always thought NSA employees would have likely grab a few nude images here and there, we had no idea these actions were so profound. It goes to show that the NSA is in need of some serious reforms to get employees under control. Come to think of it, the government should shut it down completely.

No government should have this much power of it citizens because it leads to a lot of illegal and disgusting activities.

NSA employees and child porn

Sexting between teenagers under the age of consent is quite popular. These teens regularly send each other naked images of themselves, so it warrants the question, how much of this have NSA employees come across in recent years. What have they done with it? How do we know that some of these employees are not sexual predators who are using their position in the NSA to collect images of teenagers under the age of consent?

After this revelation, we believe it is time for greater transparency. The American public and the world at large deserve it.

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