ScienceBees' Favorite Flowers Disappearing Along With Their Populations Bees prefer certain flowers over others, and as those flowers disappear, so do the bees which visit them, a new study James Maynard
ScienceBee nerd says western bumblebees recovering - what does this mean for bee populations?by James Maynard
ScienceLower honeybee colony losses this winter as beekeepers scramble to find answersby James Maynard
ScienceHoneybee killer neonicotinoids caused colony Collapse Disorder, Harvard study saysby James Maynard
71-year old woman survives stings from over 70,000 angry bees: Here's what really happenedby James Maynard
ScienceDeadly honeybee virus and parasite buzzing on to wild bumblebees, warn apiologistsby James Maynard