ScienceTransparent Wood Makes Energy-Saving Windows? You Might be Replacing Your Glass Soon Someday, transparent wood will take over the regular glasses we have at home. It could also create energy-saving windows perfect for the Joen Coronel
TechDuke University Creates Face Shields Using Their 3D Printing Lab in Response to Coronavirus Supply Shortageby Christine R.
TechScientists Discover That an Ancient Continent was Actually 10% Larger Than They Thought After Analyzing New Findingsby Christine Roger
TechThe Foul-Smelling Durian You Hate Will Soon Fast Charge Your Phone. Here's Christine Roger
TechYour Home Can be Safe From Earthquakes as Scientists Develop a New Type of Building Material That Can Bend Without Breaking Into Piecesby Christine Roger
ScienceCarbon Nanotube Outperforms Silicon: Will Microprocessors Ditch Silicon Transistors Over Carbon Nanotube Transistors?by Alyssa Navarro
ScienceNew Nanobead-Powered 'Superlens' Extends Limits Of Details Under A Microscopeby Alyssa Navarro
Google App 'AI Mode' For Android Lets Users 'Talk' Directly to Search, Multimodal Capabilities Available