In today's gaming landscape, simply going to the store and buying a game isn't as simple as it sounds. With multiple special editions and retailer-exclusive bonus content, trying to figure out where to buy the latest game is almost a game in and of itself.

Such is the case with Uncharted 4: A Thief's End. The blockbuster conclusion to Nathan Drake's saga is arriving exclusively on PlayStation 4, with a number of different preorder bonuses, according to where you decide to swipe your credit card.

That's where we come in. Buying games shouldn't be hard, so we've compiled all of Uncharted 4's various retail-exclusive bonuses and special editions all in one place so you worry more about playing the game than stressing over where to buy it from. Let's dive in.

Universal Uncharted: Drake's Fortune Costume, Golden Weapon Skin and Uncharted Points

Nearly every retailer that is accepting preorders for the game (including GameStop, Amazon, Best Buy and Target) all share one multiplayer preorder bonus in common. No matter where you preorder from, you will snag the Uncharted: Drake's Fortune costume for Drake, a golden weapon skin for all weapons and a batch of Uncharted Points, which is used in multiplayer to unlock various content.

GameStop-Exclusive Multiplayer Booster Pack and Phurba Dagger Taunt

Preordering Uncharted 4 at GameStop will earn you this exclusive bonus for use in the game's multiplayer mode. The Phurba Dagger taunt is a throwback to the relic seen in Uncharted 2: Among Thieves. The "booster pack" is just that: a collection of one-time boosts for use in multiplayer.

Best Buy-Exclusive Heist Drake Outfit

In addition to the universal preorder bonus above, those who preorder Uncharted 4 at Best Buy will snag another multiplayer outfit for Drake. This time, it's Drake's museum heist outfit from Uncharted 2.

Amazon-Exclusive Desert Drake Outfit And Snow Camo Weapon Skin

Snag your copy of Uncharted 4 from Amazon, and you'll grab the universal preorder goodies in addition to two exclusive extras. Amazon is throwing in Drake's desert outfit from Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception as a bonus, in addition to a snow camo weapon skin that can be applied to all weapons in the game's multiplayer.

Uncharted 4: A Thief's End Special Edition

The $79.99 special edition of Uncharted 4 comes with a number of extras not seen in the base game. Players will score a collectible steel book case, a 48-page hardcover artbook, exclusive stickers and some extra Uncharted Points for use in multiplayer.

Uncharted 4: A Thief's End Libertalia Collector's Edition

The $119.99 Libertalia edition of Uncharted 4 includes everything from the special edition, as well as all the various preorder outfits. It also includes golden and desert weapon skins for use in multiplayer. The big new addition is a 12-inch statue of Nathan Drake himself. Those who purchase the Libertalia edition will also receive exclusive Madagascar sidekick outfits for use in multiplayer as well a Henry Avery sigil ball cap.

Be sure to check out our extensive coverage of Uncharted 4: A Thief's End, including our review and how it stacks up compared with the rest of the series. Uncharted 4 releases exclusively on PlayStation 4 May 10.

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