This year's Star Wars Celebration in Anaheim, California, wasn't just sold out, but was also a hit with audiences worldwide, who watched online, especially after the release of the Star Wars: The Force Awakens trailer, which made many grown men weep with joy.

Not only did the Celebration give us a sneak peek at the The Force Awakens, but those in attendance also got some details on the standalone film, Star Wars: Rogue One, as well as footage of the upcoming Star Wars: Battlefront video game.

Star Wars may occur in a galaxy far, far away, but this week, Star Wars was everywhere across planet earth as news from the Celebration reached far and wide.

However, many fans came to the sold out event decked out in their finest cosplay. In addition to a lot of Slave Leias (both male and female), as well as a bevy of stormtroopers, costumes ranged from all over the Star Wars expanded universe, both animated and live action.

There were also a lot of mash-ups, particularly with other Disney properties, including Muppets as stormtroopers and Queen Elsa/Leia and Hans Solo (Frozen).

No matter the costume, though, cosplayers had fun showing off their costumes this year.

Darth Talon and Red Stormtrooper

Princess Amidala

Muppet Stormtroopers

Dark Side protesters

Space Balls

Hans Solo and Queen Elsa/Leia (Frozen/Star Wars Mash-up)

Hera and Zab from Star Wars Rebels

Senior Citizen Hans Solo and Princess Leia

Boba Fett and Stormtroopers On Vacation


Darth Malgus and Eleena Daru

[Photo Credit: Alex Halycon]

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