Nikolay Shkilev, PhD: "The world is moving towards digitalization"
(Photo : Nikolay Shkilev)

In 2020 and 2021, the world went crazy and began to massively switch to digital assets, DeFi (decentralized finance), NFT (non-fungible tokens), Blockchain, etc. The growth of this industry exceeded 300% in 2020 alone and continues to grow. We will look into the reasons behind this phenomenon with one of the world's leading blockchain experts and founder of the Private Business Club, Nikolai Shkilev, PhD:

Nikolai, why is it that literally everyone is getting into this industry right now and even Elon Musk has started writing about it on a regular basis?

There are many objective reasons for this:

1. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, traditional business has collapsed in many countries, people began to look for sources of alternative income.

2. The US government printed more money in 2020 than it did in 200 years, and in early 2021 again printed an unsecured $ 1.9 trillion, despite huge external debt. A decent part of this money as well as the past has been funneled into digital assets by ordinary people.

3. Large traditional investors began to actively invest part of their investments in Bitcoin, recognizing it as digital gold. This gave a massive boost to the entire industry.

4. Many countries have limited access to financial instruments, high inflation, high interest rates on loans, sanctions, government barriers, etc. For a huge number of people, digital assets are a real way out of a difficult situation.

5. Many people liked the idea of ​​complete decentralization, i.e. without dependence on any regulators, without intermediaries, without censorship and without total control.

6. A huge bubble has formed in the securities market and many large investors decided to diversify their investments

7. Of course, Elon Musk and TheWallStreetBets also moved the market significantly and found millions of followers.

And I can go on and on with these points, not to mention the technologies themselves.

And these points I could go on and on, not to mention the technology itself.

How many of your friends and Private Business Club residents have bought digital assets?

I would be lying if I said everyone. But believe me, in 2019 at most 10% of my acquaintances had any digital assets, and now at least 70% of them have bought some digital asset.

Well, if everything is clear with Bitcoin, then how many bought ZELWIN (ZLW) tokens from your marketplace?

I'll be honest with you, almost everyone I know, because they believed in me from the beginning.

Have they already been able to earn something?

Yes, in 2020 alone, all the early investors made 450% profit, but we're just at the beginning of the journey.

Wow. How did you manage it, and how can other projects repeat your path and avoid fatal mistakes?

We made our project entirely with our own money and came out with a completely finished product. We didn't look for money on the side. And managed to be placed on five exchanges, almost immediately. he product was clear to everyone, and it is described literally in one sentence. is a crypto-friendly Global Marketplace of Goods. And then the principle of supply/demand worked.

To new projects and creators I want to give some valuable and free advice:

1. Do not try to sell the project at the start. You will lose control of the company and get a penny.
2. Don't make big discounts on pre-sales. Don't do big airdrops (token giveaways). Later, it will kill you and your digital assets on the stock exchanges and you will destroy the project at the start. This is why 95% of blockchain projects fail.
3. Enter the market with a finished product. Just an idea will not interest many people anymore.

Thank you, Nikolay, this is really very valuable information!
And finally, tell me where to look for beginners in this direction and what should they pay attention to in the first place?

Before investing anywhere, remember these simple rules:

- Never spend your last bit of money.
- Do not put eggs in one basket, i.e. do not invest in one asset.
- Carefully study the project team and their background.
- Follow the marketing of the project and the placement of the project on stock exchanges. If this is not the case, then I would not invest there.

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