Photo by Lukas Blazek on Unsplash
(Photo : Lukas Blazek on Unsplash)

Introducing new software into a company can be stressful. Often, employees like to stick to their routines and resist learning new technologies and implementing them into their workflow. When it comes to time tracking, staff members additionally typically fear it will have negative consequences for them. How can we alleviate these worries and implement time logging without risking the workplace harmony?

Employee Fears & Resistances Against Time Logging

Humans are creatures of habit. In the workplace, we can often recognize this trait in the strict routines many (especially older) workers have created for themselves. Any disturbance, whether it is a negative or positive change, regularly meets immediate resistance.

This can be equally true for employees who are:

  • happy with their job and don't want to jinx it, or

  • already unhappy and don't want to add more stress.

When it comes to introducing new technology into the workflow, staff members need to set aside time to learn the new tool and get used to handling it. This process rarely runs smoothly from the start. Employees have less time for their regular tasks, and the rocky familiarization phase adds to the stress this creates.

This problem is less prevalent with younger workforces, who have an easier time intuitively using new software and are often more willing to learn. However, even these staff members can be resistant against a process like time tracking. They might feel it is a restrictive and controlling measure their bosses will use to apply more pressure.

Resistances like these make it necessary to help the implementation of a new software along with several tactics. Those include:

  • The Selection of Appropriate Tools

  • Clear Communication About the Purpose & Benefits of the new Tool

  • Compensation During the Familiarization Phase

Modern Tools That Guarantee Transparent Time Logging

There are different ways to go about time logging. Modern software aims at simplifying tasks like these as much as possible. The best solution is a dedicated software for time tracking. It is made with one purpose in mind. This factor creates both a streamlined user interface, while also offering every relevant tool needed to optimize the process.

Tools of this kind are offered by software developers like Papershift, who have specialized on staff management software. Their individual programs for different HR tasks can be used in tandem and share data for automated processes, or be integrated by themselves.

With these digital tools, employees can enter data over their own devices, after which the software collects, compiles, and analyses the information. They can detect irregularities and disadvantageous factors. For example, the software will make sure that labour laws regarding the maximum allowed hours are adhered to, effectively eliminating exploitation. 

This way, the employees can be sure the time tracking tool is both transparent and fair.

Communication to Relieve Worries

If the employees don't understand why they need to learn a new tool, they will not be motivated to do so. Be sure to transparently let the staff members know about benefits and possible negative effects, while also giving them a safe platform to share their worries and ask questions.

Showcase how Timesheet Data will be Used Positively and Demonstrate Benefit

When it comes to time logging, you should put a focus on the benefits it can have for employees.

Benefits include:

  • More Transparency - Both the business and staff members benefit from a software that tracks time as is. The resulting data is true to fact instead of influenced by a person's perception and goals. This helps the business and employees have a truthful, unmanipulated overview of worked hours.

  • Protection - Both the business and workforce can use this data to protect themselves from the other party not fulfilling their obligations. Workers cannot hand in false reports, while employers need to actively avoid exploiting their workers, divide shifts fairly and in compliance with laws.

  • Time Management - Time tracking is beneficial for productivity management. This does not only include the business and its success by making sure shifts are worked efficiently. It can also help employees with project and time management. They have a visual representation of their worked hours and can build better structures.

Make Employees Feel Comfortable with Time Logging and Reporting Slack Days

Employees fear time logging if they are afraid of negative consequences, when they can't fulfil the contractual hours. However, businesses should examine these problems with a humane focus. 

It is natural not to always run at 100 % efficiency, and when a worker cannot keep up with a task, there is usually a roadblock involved that can be removed when they get a chance to talk about issues without repercussions.

Compensation of Additional Effort During the Familiarization Phase

It is important to recognize that even software that is aimed at lightening the workload and optimize processes takes some effort to learn and implement into the workday.

Make sure to include the time and effort needed for learning and smoothing over mistakes made in the initial phase in your business plans. Either reduce the workload of the staff members who will use the new software, or give them additional hours to learn the new tool, while compensating this time appropriately.

The resulting increase of acceptance and faster capable use of the new tech will be worth it. This way, you will profit from the software's benefits sooner and with less conflict.


New tools like time logging software can be introduced without problems. To reach this goal, you need to prepare the work environment. Open and transparent communication is a big factor in this. Employees need to understand why the tool is beneficial, and that their worries are unfounded - or problems are removed, if they are not. 

Additionally, make sure to recognize and balance out the additional effort during familiarization periods. With enough time and good reasons to pick up a new tool, workers will be more motivated to learn and willing to accept it.

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