Photo by Adetola Afolabi on Unsplash
(Photo : Adetola Afolabi on Unsplash)


Being a CEO is one of the most difficult and challenging positions in business. The responsibility to lead an entire team, with thousands of employees that report directly to you, is not something that can be taken lightly. In order for a CEO to be successful in this role, they must exhibit certain qualities and skills that make them stand out from their peers. The following are five key traits of effective leaders who have made it through the trenches of corporate life:

Great leaders are great listeners

You may have heard the phrase, "listening is more than hearing." This is especially true of a good leader.

When you think of listening, what comes to mind? For many people, it's waiting for their turn to talk. But that's far from being an effective listener-in fact, it's not even really listening at all. If you want to be a great leader and become more effective at work (or in any other area), improving your listening skills can help tremendously.

A lot of CEOs don't like the idea of learning something new because they're already busy enough doing their jobs; however, if there was ever an activity that could benefit everyone on an organization's team-no matter how accomplished or experienced they are-it would be improving their listening skills!

Develop a culture of appreciation

Appreciation is the most effective way to motivate your team. It is a feeling of pleasure and satisfaction in something you did well, or an object you own. Appreciation is something that can be expressed in many ways, including words, gifts and time spent with someone you care about.

When you appreciate your employees, they will be motivated to do more for you because they feel appreciated by their boss or employer. You should show appreciation for your employees every day; not only when they complete a big project but also when they do small things like coming in on time or taking initiative on another task that needs attention outside of their normal responsibilities.

Get comfortable with being uncomfortable

It can be uncomfortable to push yourself outside of your comfort zone, but it's a necessary part of growing as an individual. Keep in mind that being uncomfortable is a good thing! It means you're taking risks and learning new things, which are key components to becoming an effective leader.

If you find yourself feeling anxious or nervous about trying something new at work (or anywhere else), try talking with someone who has already done what you want to do. This may be a friend, mentor or even parent figure who understands where you're coming from and can offer some advice on how to manage those feelings. Or maybe just hearing from someone else who has gone through something similar will help put things into perspective for you.

Find a mentor who will tell you the truth, not just what you want to hear

There are two types of mentors: an executive coach and a peer. An executive coach is someone who has been in your shoes, who has gone before you. They can help you with your career, personal life and business. A peer mentor may work in similar areas as you or have similar challenges; they can provide insight based on their own experience.

Peer mentors understand what it's like to be in the trenches with other leaders and employees-they know what it takes for leaders to succeed in today's world of intense competition and rapidly changing technology. It's critical for CEO's to find a mentor who will tell them the truth, not just what they want to hear.

Invest in your personal growth.

Invest in your personal growth.

  • Read books, attend conferences and listen to podcasts on leadership.

  • Consider executive coaching services to help you get to the next level in your professional development. Ask them what they do, what their coaching processes are like, and if they have any recommendations for resources or other coaches that would be a good fit for you as well.

  • Develop a personal learning strategy: What are some areas of growth and development that scream out to you? What kind of learning do you want from this point forward? How will you take action on this plan? Write it down!

  • Take time in between meetings or at the end of each day for reflection: What went well today? What could have gone better? Where am I stuck/stuck-in-the-mud/losing steam entirely/etc.?

Tech CEO's can grow their leadership skills by practicing the skills above.

Leadership is a skill that can be learned. If you're a tech CEO, it's up to you to make the first move.

Here are some suggestions for how to grow your leadership skills:

  • Practice the skills above and learn from them. There's no better way than practice! Read books on leadership and take courses offered by your local university or business school.

  • When working with employees in your company, try applying these skills when giving feedback or addressing an issue that needs fixing. This will help them become more effective leaders as well!


Being a great leader is about more than just having the skills or knowledge to do your job day-to-day. It's about having a personal growth mindset that allows you to develop your leadership abilities over time and become more effective as a result. With these five tips, we hope you'll be able to put them into practice and grow as an effective leader in your own right!

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