HealthNewborn Health Screenings May Soon Rely On Genome Sequencing Techniques: Experts A group of government-funded researchers and clinical geneticists are exploring the pros and cons of possibly using genome sequencing techniques in newborn screenings in the Arrianne Del Rosario
SciencePacBio's SMRT Sequencing Could Open Secrets Of Gorilla Genome And Human Diseaseby James Maynard
Healthy Living/WellnessGenetic Secrets Of Bloodsucking Ticks May Lead To New Ways To Prevent Spread Of Lyme Diseaseby Rhodi Lee
ScienceGenes Of Ancient Irish Humans Reveal Link Between Early Ireland And Middle Eastby Rina Marie Doctor
ScienceDNA Reveals 'Fourth Strand' Of European Ancestry In Ancient Tribe, Researchers Sayby Jim Algar