In 2020, League of Legends (LoL) might become the first digital Olympic sport, and we have to thank Riot Games for that.

Until then, LoL proves that Multiplayer Online Battle Arena games (MOBAs) are far from extinct, as the title becomes more polished and well-balanced with each update. The developing team is highly motivated to make each game feel unique and engaging and next year it promises to take things to an entirely new level.

Here are the announced changes that await summoners in the 2016 Season of League of Legends.

Preseason changes

The Marksman /AD Carry position gets a consistent shift. If traditionally, the AD Carry was constricted to being a back-laner who packed a punch, now the developers intend to give it a more contextual role, depending on rest of the champions in your team.

Masteries get an overhaul. Say bye-bye to micro abilities that have zero to no effect, as the new plan of masteries promises to have a more prominent impact on the game, allowing the player to tap into full potential.

Riot also noticed that the top lane player was often isolated due to the consistent distance to objectives. No more! The Rift Herald will spawn early on in the game, allowing the top lane to get some buffs if it defeats it.

Stealth Wards are history, and champions now have the temporary blue trinket and the vulnerable pink wards to give them extra vision. Gamers who prefer to play support will rejoice, as sightstones can now become tier three items.

Starting items get more specialized, while sustain items face important changes. Firstly, the mana potions are out of store, and the health pots just became pricier, at 50 gold/piece. Riot introduced three new potions that will influence the game tactics: Hunter's Potion, Corrupting Potion and Refillable Potion.

Some new items and builds come to Summoner's Rift, and Riot explains how each can be of better use.

New Champ Select changes

No longer will players have a random draft order, as the new champion select gives you the ability to choose two roles (one main, one secondary), before queueing. This resolves the endless "mid or feed" debates from the chat bar.

A change occurred to the ban phase as well. The last three players that choose a champion may each pick a ban.

Ranked Improvements changes

"We believe a truly competitive ranked experience should reward a player's ability to lead or collaborate with their teammates just as much as their ability to shut down a lane," Riot stated.

Champion Mastery & Crafting changes

During the 2016 season, League of Legends players that act as a true team earn Mastery Chests and Keys. Getting and assembling the two items unlocks the chest, giving loot to the team. The chest may contain anything from permanent skins and champions to seven-day rentals.

Social changes

This is where Riot implements something that reminds of "clans system" from other games. A full 100 friends can share a common chatroom. Gamers in the room may start to synchronize and queue for games at the same time. LoL players will be happy to hear that a mobile app is in the works for 2016, for iOS and Android.

Client Update changes

Six years after its release, the League of Legends client is also getting a major revamp.

As 2016 starts, beta testers will be invited to experience the new LoL client. The alpha version expects fans to give feedback so it improves and delivers the best gaming experience to date.

Riot Games claims that three terms will define the 2016 version of League of Legends: New Tech, Streamlined Style and Stay Connected.

Be sure to check out the full presentation of the updates on the official League of Legends Season 2016 page.

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