The Consumentenbond (Dutch Consumers' Association) filed a lawsuit against Korean OEM Samsung for failing to properly release updates to its Android devices.

According to the agency, at least 82 percent of Samsung phones that are available in the Dutch market did not receive any updates on the latest Android version in a span of two years. The said failure in providing the latest update leaves the devices vulnerable to issues on security and others, the agency added.

The consumer group has therefore accused Samsung of unfair trade practices.

"On buying a Samsung Android device, consumers are given inadequate information about how long they will continue to receive software updates," said [pdf] Bart Combée, director of the Consumentenbond. He added that the agency demands Samsung to provide users with clearer information on the updates.

Moreover, Samsung should provide enough information on certain vulnerabilities that are critical to the device's security. This includes the infamous Stagefright vulnerability on Android devices, which was found in July 2015. Lastly, the agency demands that Samsung should provide regular updates to its handsets.

Samsung is notoriously known for not being able to release Android updates as soon as they become available. The Dutch agency's concern, however, is not merely about getting the newest and most advanced Android version along with its latest features. Rather, the focus is more on the users getting regular updates that fix significant issues on a device's security and performance.

Samsung has 80 percent of the smartphone market share in the Netherlands. While the lawsuit is focused mainly on the Korean OEM, the agency has also acknowledged the fact that other manufacturers are just as guilty as Samsung in terms of keeping their devices updated.

"The Consumentenbond is focusing on Samsung first because Samsung is the undisputed market leader in Android phones in the Netherlands," said the agency. "However, other manufacturers are also failing to provide proper updates for their devices."

It remains to be seen how Samsung would respond to the lawsuit, which seemed to be the next best move that the agency could think of following its failure in getting the desired results after it held talks with the OEM in December.

The Consumentenbond is a Dutch association that has almost half a million members. It was formed based on the commitment of upholding and improving the rights of every Dutch consumer, protecting these rights whenever they are at risk.

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