Ubisoft hasn't exactly been shy about letting gamers get their hands on The Division ahead of release: While most games never even bother with a single beta test, Ubisoft has already given player's access to The Division's opening hours on two separate occasions.

Of course, early access comes with its own set of drawbacks: The Division may not have offered up any more content than other betas, but its 27 GB file size put most other prerelease demos to shame. In fact, many players began to believe that - since the required storage space was so huge - Ubisoft had already revealed the majority of the game's map (though that was quickly proven false).

Now, with just a few weeks left before the game hits store shelves, gamers can finally find out just how much space the full game will take up. If the beta was already so massive, the full game will probably require its own separate hard drive, right?

Actually, no: an updated listing on the Xbox Store revealed that The Division's full download size is 32 GB, only 5 gigabytes larger than the closed beta.

Without Ubisoft confirming one way or another, it's hard to pinpoint exactly why The Division's closed beta and its final release are so close in size. That being said, it's likely that the closed beta actually contained quite a bit of the final game's content - Ubisoft simply managed to lock it away from prying gamers.

There's also the chance that Ubisoft was still using uncompressed assets during the beta test, which would lead to a much larger file size. Of course, said assets would be compressed for the final version, which could explain the relatively similar storage space requirements.

Either way, it won't be much longer before gamers finally get their hands on the game: The Division is set for release on March 8, with an open beta rumored for later this month.

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