Despite being one of the most powerful mutants in the X-Men universe, poor Charles Xavier can't seem to catch a break. Jean Grey doesn't love him, he's practically useless in a fight and bad guys are always flipping over his hover chair. In other words, Professor X is a wimp.

At least that is what Screen Junkies is trying to prove in this supercut of X-Men: The Animated Series. In the video below, Professor X gets shot, flipped and electrocuted. And that's when he isn't whining about his loneliness or repeating over and over again how everything is his fault. Come on Prof, get it together.

Go ahead and give it a watch, but be warned: you will hear Professor X scream. A lot.

To be fair, Xavier's mind powers aren't as well suited for battle as some of the other X-Men, but one would think he could deal out some damage or provide some valuable intel from behind the back line with his mental prowess. Instead, he can usually be seen on the front line with the other X-Men, laying on the ground after he falls out of his futuristic wheelchair. No wonder Patrick Stewart is crying.

Stewart's depiction of the older Professor X in the X-Men films is one of his defining roles, and he tackles it with the wisdom and respect one would expect from a superhero whose name has "professor" in the title. Then again, the animated series draws heavily from the X-Men comic books, so maybe Professor X has been a wimp all along.                                           

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