Mark Zuckerberg noted that 2016 has been a tumultuous year for him. So for this year, he resolves to get out more, not only to feel the air on his face or admire the outdoor view but also to meet people and learn more how they live and how they view the future.

Mark Zuckerberg's Latest Personal Challenge

Zuckerberg's New Year's resolution posted on his Facebook account is now a tradition, dutifully awaited by his fans. Last year was a bit more ambitious as he vowed to code his own Jarvis, Tony Stark's AI butler in Iron Man. The AI was promptly completed and demonstrated last December.

Unfortunately, Zuckerberg had to secure the services of a third-party contractor to complete this vow. Jarvis, it turned out, has been built on top of an AI technology developed by a company called Crestron, which also installed smart home technologies for billionaires such as Richard Branson and even Donald Trump for his many homes.

Clearly swamped with work and having to fend-off crisis after crisis at Facebook last year, Zuckerberg seems to be turning to his less strenuous New Year's resolution last 2015. Early that year, he wrote that he would be reading two books a month. Fortunately, he did not get any ideas from the more bizarre vows he made in the past such as his pledge to only eat meat that he killed.

Zuckerberg Wants To Hear More Voices

And so, Zuckerberg would like to travel to 30 states. If you are wondering about the specific number, that is because he has already visited 20 in the past.

To further justify his latest personal challenge, he stressed that his work is about giving everyone a voice. That sounds a bit defensive, which would lead some observers to conclude that he is still smarting from charges that he has allowed fake news to proliferate at Facebook, which eventually influenced the outcome of the U.S. presidential election last year.

"My trips this year will take different forms — road trips with Priscilla, stops in small towns and universities, visits to our offices across the country, meetings with teachers and scientists, and trips to fun places you recommend along the way," Zuckerberg said. "I want to personally hear more of those voices this year. It will help me lead the work at Facebook and the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative so we can make the most positive impact as the world enters an important new period."

Zuckerberg's trips could also give him more insights as to the impact of technology on the lives of Americans. This is highlighted in the way advances such as artificial intelligence streamline production, threatening jobs in the process.

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