It cannot be denied that downloading using torrent clients is useful, especially for people who need to download huge files in their mobile devices while on the go and, despite its negative reputation, there are plenty of justifiable reasons why torrents endure. The biggest reason for the popularity of torrenting is convenience, especially now that many clients are available for use on Android devices.

There are a lot of available torrent clients for Android now but not every platform works the same way, especially if it is offered for free. Luckily, Tech Times has listed down its top 5 free Torrent Applications that also perform well and received great reviews.

Take a look at the list of free torrent apps for Android below.


µTorrent, read as MicroTorrent and alternatively called UTorrent, is a lightweight, fully featured torrent client that has been around for a long time on desktop. Those who use µTorrent know that it allows users to manage their torrent downloads with a simple interface and this is also the same for the Android version.

The free version of µTorrent allows users to download any file size, whether torrent or magnet link, without a speed limit and with the option to only download using wi-fi connection to save user data. Users can also delete a torrent alone or along with the actual file that was downloaded.


No Torrent client list is really complete without BitTorrent in it. BitTorrent actually has almost the same features as µTorrent but it makes a lot of sense since they actually maintain µTorrent. The main difference between the two is that BitTorrent has licensed partners that provide content so it is somehow friendlier to private trackers.


Like two torrent clients above, Vuze has been around for some time as a desktop version which has many content users. Vuze for Android allows users to auto-start the application when their mobile device is rebooted, control upload and download speeds, and be alerted when download is complete. It also has a wi-fi only mode and switch storage locations for downloaded files.


CatTorrent also has a clean and simple interface like µTorrent and BitTorrent although it is fairly new in the torrenting world compared to both. It also offers wi-fi only mode to save user data and allows users to play content straight from the app once download completes. Files can be downloaded in full or partially and users can choose where to store them.


Flud is another simple but powerful BitTorrent client which offers pretty much the same things its older and more popular competitors do. It has a wi-fi only mode, Magnet link support, µTP (µTorrent Transport Protocol) , PeX (Peer Exchange) support, as well as encryption and proxy support. It also allows users to move files while downloading and switch between its two themes.

Now it is just a matter of finding and downloading torrent files before the government shuts down more Torrent sites.

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