Many reviews for Assassin's Creed Unity on the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 have made note of the game's technical problems. From controls failing to respond, to outright glitches, the game struggles to be fun when systems aren't working as they should be.

Our own Steven Schneider says as much in his review.

"Aside from simply getting stuck in the environment, enemies can also spawn in randomly or notice Arno behind their backs," he writes. "In open-world games, some bugs are to be expected, but Unity's glitches occur far too often to be excused. In general, the game only feels responsive half the time. Nothing about the controls are precise whatsoever, and Arno ends up stuck in the environment or refusing to move."

Fans are noticing too. All kinds of glitch videos and images are popping up on the web, many of them on game physics gone wild sub-Reddit. Glitches like the one below, for example, where main character Arno walks on what appears to an invisible bridge across a river.

Arno also has a rather unconventional method for climbing buildings.

It's not just Arno either. NPCs often times magically appear, stand on the heads of others, respond strangely or get stuck on the game's terrain. Below you can watch two NPCs race away as if they were driving invisible go-karts.

It's astounding to think that such a huge triple AAA game could be released with so many problems, but it happened nonetheless. No doubt Ubisoft will be looking to update the game in the near future. For a good look at all the kinds of glitches that call Assassin's Creed Unity home, check out the compilation below.

Photo: Ubisoft

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