The word cancer sounds deadly but if diagnosed at an early stage, when it is least threatening, it can be relatively easier to treat.

In some cases, people debate whether they should go for a checkup or not, which may lead to unnecessary delay in the diagnosis. However, one should always be vigilant about symptoms, which may be related to carcinogenic growth in the body.

In colon cancer, regular screenings and thorough treatment may even eradicate the disease before it starts showing any severe symptoms.

What Causes The Symptoms?

As cancer is a combination of many diseases, it often gets confusing to understand which symptoms need your attention. Several general symptoms of cancer are fever, fatigue or sudden weight loss.

The signs and symptoms of cancer mainly depend on the place where it is growing, as well as the size and the amount of effect it is causing on the organs and tissues. However, if the cancer has already spread from the initial area of growth, various parts of the body may start showing the symptoms.

In a research conducted in London, it has been found that most people ignore the symptoms. The number of people who have had symptoms and who went for a checkup during the course of the study is less than 60 percent.

Almost none of them thought about cancer being a possible reason for their health issues. The symptoms included rapid weight loss and change in the characteristics of a mole.

Symptoms You Should Not Ignore

Sudden major weight loss without any drastic lifestyle change may be considered as a symptom of cancer.

Fever which is persistent for a long time can also be a sign of cancer. Sometimes, the immune system can be affected due to the disease, which makes it difficult for the body to fight the infection.

Extreme tiredness or fatigue that does not go away, even after enough rest, can be a reason for various sorts of cancers, including colon cancer.

Severe back pain can also be a sign of colon or ovarian cancer. However, pain in other body parts may be a sign of several other cancers such as bone, brain or testicular.

Various changes in bowel activities such as continued constipation, diarrhea, trace of blood in the stool or change in the size of stool may also be signs of colon and rectal cancer.

Other symptoms that may be considered as signs of various sorts of cancers are: changes in the appearance of skin, long lasting sores, appearance of small tumors, abnormal bleeding, continuous cough and trouble swallowing.

However, having any of these symptoms does not confirm the presence of cancer so, do not get stressed when you suffer from one of these. Instead, it is always better to have a checkup with your doctor to be in the safe zone.

Photo: Brianna Privett | Flickr

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