Pornhub launched VPNHub, a VPN service for iOS, Android, macOS, and Windows that will do more than just hide visits to the infamous website.

A VPN, or virtual private network, creates a secure network connection over the internet to hide the online activity of users. Using a VPN allows users to enjoy privacy, avoid hackers on public networks, access location-limited websites, and bypass censorships.

Pornhub Launches Free VPN: Meet VPNHub

Pornhub, looking to ensure the security and privacy of its users, launched VPNHub, a free VPN service that offers unlimited bandwidth through a thousand servers in more than 15 countries.

"Today, the Internet is rife with hackers, who are growing in number and sophistication, compromising people's sensitive data. While browsing in incognito may keep users' browsing history secret, truth is they're still susceptible to prying eyes, especially when browsing on unsecured public Wi-Fi networks," said Pornhub VP Corey Price in a statement.

VPNHub is not connected to the Pornhub website at all, which means that the VPN service may be used on all websites and online services. VPNHub comes with a catch though, and that is the inclusion of advertisements to support the free version.

Users should also not worry that VPNHub itself will breach their privacy, as Pornhub promises that the service will not log any user data or activity while it is in use.

VPNHub Premium Also Available

The free version of VPNHub is limited to iOS and Android users. To access the app on desktop and laptop computers running on macOS and Windows, users will need to pay a subscription fee of $12.99 per month or $89.99 per year.

VPNHub also offers a one-week trial for users who would first like to try the VPN service before spending on it.

VPNHub Premium subscribers will no longer see the advertisements from the free version of the VPN service. They will also be able to select the country that the VPN service will use, access faster connections, and use the subscription with up to three devices.

Free VPN Services And Net Neutrality

About a year ago, Tech Times reported some of the best and safest free VPN services available to users, after reports that the Federal Communications Commission was working to repeal the net neutrality rules established by the Obama administration. VPNHub looks like a worthy addition to that list.

The death of net neutrality will happen on June 11. There are still some advocates who will try to defend it, but if its repeal pushes through, one of the possible scenarios that will happen is that internet service providers will throttle the usage of customers. With VPNHub installed, users will be protected from such restrictions.

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