Players of video game Destiny know that the raid called Crota's End is notoriously difficult, even with a full team of three players.

But one gamer decided that he needed more of a challenge, so he went into the raid by himself. But that wasn't enough: this gamer also decided to go through the raid with what most would agree is the worst weapon in the game, a sniper rifle called No Land Beyond. No Land Beyond is a primary weapon that fires bolt-action, which means that every shot requires a reloading of the chamber. In other words, it's slow and is only really useful at a distance.

"Just saying, but this is one of the worse weapon I've ever had," says a Destiny player on a fan site. "Despite people wondering if this is a good weapon, it takes UP TO 4 SECONDS to load a single shot."

Anyone who has played Destiny knows that four seconds is a long time when enemies are swarming all around you. So, soloing a difficult raid with that weapon is quite a feat.

Fortunately for us, this gamer also recorded the entire event, which spans five YouTube videos with over an hour of game time. However, this doesn't include four hours of gameplay that were edited out because of failures and deaths.

Warning: the following video could be frustrating to watch, although it also has moments of hilarity. Not only did the gamer require patience in soloing the raid, but we, the viewers, must now share in that patience in watching the final result.

You can watch the entire run here.

The gamer, known as XThreeDoG on Reddit took on the challenge from another player on the popular website. That player, Rash_Octillery, offered Reddit gold as well saying that soloing Crota's End means that "no one can ever say you aren't good enough again. In anything." XThreeDoG also now gets the title of " Most Interesting Guardian in the Galaxy."

The challenge also came with specific rules, including not using lights for propelling through the map, not using exploits to keep enemies from spawning and only using invisibility skills under specific guidelines.

[Photo Credit: YouTube]

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