Much of the major news concerning cybersecurity today seem to revolve around large companies getting hacked or governments engaging in cyberwarfare. But just because an average computer user falling victim to hackers fails to make headlines doesn't mean that cybersecurity shouldn't concern you.

In fact, it's high time that you give your own security much thought.

Everyone's privacy is under attack.

Hackers can steal your personal and financial information through your computer, but that doesn't stop there. Some hackers are able to listen in or watch your private moments by hacking into your computer's webcam and even microphone.

And if your computer is only protected by basic solutions that are only designed to scan for viruses, as opposed to camera and microphone malware - you are at risk of falling victim to many of the modern cybersecurity threats.

Reason Cybersecurity is one of the select solutions that give focus on attack methods that seek to exploit user privacy. While it is essentially an antivirus, it is also equipped with a variety of privacy-focused protection features.

Let's take a look at what Reason has to offer.


Malware Detection and Removal. Reason covers the essential functions of an antivirus. It allows users to scan their computers for potential threats and malicious files. It also features real-time protection which scans files as soon as they are accessed. Reason is powered by an accurate detection engine and definitions that are constantly updated. The detection database is backed by millions of malware samples which enables the engine to accurately screen malware and avoid false positives.

Microphone and Camera Protection. Hackers are now specifically targeting microphone and webcam to spy on you. Once compromised audio and video feeds can be recorded or even streamed online. Should they capture anything incriminating, they can even use the photos or videos to extort you. To prevent such attacks, Reason notifies you every time an application attempts to access your camera or microphone. It can also be set to block or allow all access.

Tracking and Browsing. Reason also offers protection during internet use. The software can crack down on scripts and cookies that many applications and websites use to track your browsing activities. Reason also has a Chrome browser plugin that you can use that displays badges alongside your search results. These serve as visual cues to warn you if the link you're about to click leads to phishing websites or known sources of malicious files.

Ransomware. Reason can also protect you from falling victim to ransomware. Ransomware are malware designed to encrypt your documents to render them inaccessible until a ransom is paid. Reason monitors for encryption attempts and blocks them from running.

Download and Installation. Reason features a lightweight installer which only downloads the rest of the software upon installation.

Scanning. The antivirus provides three scan methods. The quick scan option searches the most common locations where malware tend to lurk such as the memory, the Windows system folders, and application folders. The full scan option checks your entire system including all storage devices. If you only need to scan specific locations, you can do so through the custom scan option. Alternatively, Reason also has a context menu entry allowing you to right-click on a file or folder to scan it.

Real-time protection. Thanks to Reason's real-time protection, much of the work is done in the background. You don't really have to bother performing manual scans for every file you download and run. Reason does this automatically. You also have the option to manually schedule periodic scans. Should a threat is found or if a suspicious application is attempting to access your mic or camera, Reason flashes a notification. You can then choose what action you'd prefer Reason to perform.

Reason's website features a FAQ page that pretty much covers the essential concerns regarding installation and purchase. For specific concerns, the company can be reached through email, a contact form, or through its help line.

Reason has both free and paid versions. The free version only offers basic malware detection and removal and real-time protection. The paid version unlocks all the other protection features including camera and microphone protection, ransomware protection, and secure browsing. The paid version costs $29.99 a year.


Given the threats against ordinary users' privacy, it would only be prudent for you to adopt security solutions that offer more than simply protecting against viruses. The privacy-focused protection features that Reason provides makes it a fitting solution for modern day computing. For its price, it's definitely a solution worth considering.

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