Netflix has just recently reduced the quality of its videos in Europe, making them more accessible to the general public despite good or bad internet connection. Just recently, YouTube has decided to do the same thing as well to be able to increase home usage during this current time of social distancing. YouTube has released a statement saying, "We are making a commitment to temporarily switch all traffic in the EU to standard definition by default." 

(Photo : Screenshot From Grande Eletro Facebook Page)
Netflix YouTube

As the coronavirus (COVID-19) has crippled most public gatherings, citizens are urged to stay indoors and enjoy whatever services are available, but it is quite hard when the quality of streaming at home is not up to satisfactory standard.

E.U. urges streaming services to switch to S.D.

The E.U. industry chief, by the name of Thierry Breton, has called streaming platforms to help in reducing the load on the entire continent's infrastructure. The European Commission is urging Netflix and other streaming services to switch into a standard definition at this time of peak demand, especially during the social distancing period caused by the coronavirus.

Netflix's decision

Netflix has decided to lower its network traffic by 25% to make way for the internet to be utilized properly. According to British telecom provider B.T., the weekly daytime traffic has massively increased by between 35 and 60 percent ever since the social distancing period.

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Here are some ways for you to improve your streaming experience according to Cnet:

Upgrade your internet speed

The ideal internet speed for you to be able to enjoy comfortable downloads as well as streaming in 4K is at least 15Mbps, and if your internet is not yet this fast, maybe it is time to update. Some internet speed upgrades do not cost too much, depending on your provider and current package. You might not even have to spend too much.

Upgrade your router/hub

Getting an upgraded router could boost your speed by 20%! Most people do not know that the free router which comes with your package does not perform at the optimum performance, which means that if you get an upgraded one, you can experience better service!

Switch to Ethernet

Wi-Fi may be the most convenient way to connect, but it is still not the fastest. Getting a wired internet or Ethernet is a lot faster since there is not much interference as the internet travels from your router to your device. Wires can be quite annoying, but they are still the best way to get the best results.

Move stuff

The location could change a lot of things. You do not have to move everything like your television or other devices, but finding the perfect location for your Wi-Fi router could definitely make a huge impact! If your router has antennas, make sure to position them properly to get maximum results.

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Since YouTube and Netflix have already made their moves to lower their quality for all, maybe it is time to improve your streaming experience as well.

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