(Photo : How Zen Flowchart solves your employee productivity problems)

Do you have a less-than-productive employee(s) in your organization?

Generally speaking, these are guys characterized by the following behaviors:

  • Always too slow to react to instructions
  • Always struggling to grasp the basics of any task given to them
  • Always trying to dodge tasks
  • Never owning up for their mistakes
  • Overly prone to error
  • Never operating on the same wavelength as the rest of the team

I know you're sick and tired of always complaining about them. But you don't need to feel so bad about it. Every organization has these sorts of workers in their ranks.

In this guide, I'm going to introduce you to a tool you can use to address this problem.

But before going into the discussion of this tool, aren't you even a little bit curious to know why these employees are not as productive as you'd want them in the first place?

Reasons why some employees are less-than-productive

The productivity of your employees could be dampened by the following factors:

  • Working environment not conducive
  • Business processes too ambiguous, complex, or not so clear.
  • Poor medium of communication
  • Not recognizing or rewarding employees' hard work
  • Absence of adequate health and wellbeing support

Now that you know some of the reasons why your workers might be working at a less than productive rate, the next thing is to find a way to address these "reasons."

Luckily for you, there's a tool that can help you do that.

Maybe not everything, but Zen flowchart can surely help you address some of the employee productivity problems you might be having on your hands.

Let's find out how!

How Zen Flowchart solves your employee productivity problems

Zen flowchart can help address your communication problems

Poor communication remains one of the biggest reasons why an employee might be unproductive. If an employee cannot understand the instructions you're passing to them - perhaps because of the language or method you're using to pass the message - it's almost certain that they will struggle to deliver the sort of results you expect of them.

The good news?

Instead of talking, you can use the Zen flowchart maker to create visual charts, which you can then show to your employees. By looking at the step-by-step instructions on a chart, it's almost impossible that an employee would miss out on any detail or skip a step as a result of forgetfulness or lack of understanding.

Zen flowchart can help improve clarity

Another reason why your employees might be unproductive at work could be because of a lack of clarity of the tasks at hand. If they don't understand the tasks you've given them, how can you possibly expect them to complete it?

Luckily for you, there's no ambiguity in the world of Zen flowcharting. By pointing out all the steps involved in a process on a single chart, employees throughout an organization can easily understand the workflow while finding out which step is unnecessary and which is not.

Zen flowchart can promote effective coordination

By showing everyone in an organization the processes involved in a given project, and the people responsible for executing them, it becomes impossible for employees to dodge tasks because everyone can see who's on what.

If peradventure someone decides to get lazy, and as a result of their laziness, the project gets delayed, everyone will see via the chart what level the project is and who/what is causing its delay.

This is a pretty good tactic any business owner can use to alleviate laziness and low productivity from their business.

Zen flowchart can help employees stay on track

A very good way to help your employees get back to being productive is to actually show them how the ongoing project is panning out. By filling them in on the developments of a project, employees can be motivated to give more effort to the project.

Since flowcharts created with a flowchart maker like Zen flowchart can be shared with multiple persons, employers can keep their employees in the loop about the latest developments on a project. From each employee's mobile device or workspace computer, they can see the stage the project is in, as well as the things that remain to be done.

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