Moo-ve over work week, the weekend is now here. And what better way to it kick off than with this cow mascot who makes a supermarket its very own dance floor.

"The supermarket cow dance" has found its way to viral fame, gracing (grazing?) the front page on Reddit's video subreddit, and receiving over 600,000 views on YouTube since being published on Thursday.

The mascot for the Mexican dairy brand Alura is seen dancing to the song "Bailan Rochas y Chetas" by Nene Malo, while breaking out his best moves. The cow swings his arms around, dancing in circles and shakes his head to the beat..

But this cow is no stranger to fame. Some people claim they have seen it dancing outside of a grocery store, while others have captured his smooth moves on Vine.

Watch the video below and make sure to copy these moves out on the dance floor this weekend.

[Photo Credit: Maccen II/YouTube]

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