Anyone who's ever played a video game knows just how satisfying a marathon session can be. Whether it's taking each other apart in multiplayer or spending hours upon hours clearing out sidequests, finishing off a lengthy session of gaming can feel like a real accomplishment.

There are varying levels, however: there are more casual marathons that lose steam after a few hours, there are longer marathons that can eat up most of a day, and then there are the multi-day marathons that can wipe out an entire weekend (these usually come after a major launch and require copious amounts of pizza to complete). Every marathon is different, and not everyone will get into it - but for the people that do, marathons are the only way to play.

While all of these are great, they don't even hold a candle to the marathon Twitch channel 'StreamerHouse.' These three friends haven't been streaming for a few hours, or days, or weeks - they just hit the 12,000 hour mark. That's 500 days of streaming with no breaks, holidays, or downtime whatsoever.

Twitch was created for people to broadcast their love of gaming, but it's hard to imagine that anyone predicted something like StreamerHouse would ever happen. The fact that three friends take eight hour shifts in order to play non-stop is mind-boggling, but on top of that, they've been doing it for more than a year straight with no breaks of any kind...that just sounds downright impossible.

It also sounds like every college kid's dream job: hanging out with friends, playing games for eight hours a day, getting's the perfect job. Of course, making money off of Twitch sponsors and merchandise isn't going to get StreamerHouse into the Fortune 500, but it is enough to pay the bills and, in the future, bring on a fourth member.

If you're interested in seeing what a life spent playing video games looks like, check out the Twitch channel below - it's not like it ever goes off the air!

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