simple adjustment to your ceiling fan may significantly reduce your energy consumption and monthly bill. This may sound too good to be true, but there is an actual way to save money and keep your ceiling fan in use all year long.

Reverse the Rotation of Your Ceiling Fan

Practically, all ceiling fans can be turned both clockwise and counterclockwise, which is not common knowledge. Many people do not realize that switching the fan's orientation can save some serious cash during any season.

To do so, there must be a switch on the ceiling fan's motor housing. This is located just below the blades. Turn off the fan and flick the reversing switch.

If your fan uses a remote control, it may have a switch that can change the direction of the blades.

This method is not limited to the warmer months, nor is it necessary to keep it rotating counterclockwise during the summer and clockwise during the winter.

By switching the direction of the fan's rotation, you may adjust the temperature in a room without having to depend as much on the heater or air conditioner anytime.

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Clockwise for Winter

You do not want to be directly exposed to the harsh winter wind. Therefore, switching off the fans is natural, but reversing the blades is another solution.

Turning on a fan to warm up may seem illogical, but if you set it to rotate clockwise, it may become a helpful appliance even in the cooler months.

If you wish to create a warmer effect, turn your fan clockwise. This rotation does the opposite of what you would expect. It draws cold air upwards, which forces the heated air toward the ceiling to go down. Remember, heat rises.

Counterclockwise for Summer

A fan's counterclockwise rotation has a number of positive effects. One is that the cool air is directed down at you, making it perfect for hot days.

A functional fan is especially important during the warmest times of the year. You may save money by using a ceiling fan instead of an air conditioner.

Your fan's downward airflow is essential to cool you down. These winds blowing downward provide a refreshing chill, ideal for the hot summer months.

Smart Ways to Save Electricity

Altering the direction in which your ceiling fan spins is just one of several energy-saving measures you may take.

You have probably heard of smart lights by now. When compared to modern bulbs, the traditional ones use a lot more power. The United States Department of Energy estimates that customers may reduce their energy use by 75% by switching to LED bulbs.

Furthermore, LED lights may live up to 25 times as long as incandescent lamps. Just by switching to the most up-to-date bulbs on the market, you may save a few dollars.

Another method to reduce power use is to modify the lighting. Turn down or dim the lights. Your power use and production will both be reduced.

Some dimmers include remote controls or switches that can be controlled by software. Before turning in for the night, you may adjust the brightness of your room's lights through the app.

Alliance to Save Energy recommended installing a programmable thermostat immediately to begin saving money on utility bills. In order to save up to 10% on your annual energy costs, you must replace your old thermostat with a newer one.

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This article is owned by Tech Times

Written by Trisha Kae Andrada

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