Artificial intelligence (AI) for some time has been a source of debate among experts, notably over its potential to annihilate humanity. 

With growing concerns from governments, tech personalities like Elon Musk and Steve Wozniak, and, most recently, stern warnings from AI pioneers, AI's image as a potent technology is already imprinting on society.

Fox News Asked ChatGPT About Some Doomsday Predictions

Fox News recently asked OpenAI's ChatGPT for its take on the apocalypse, and the chatbot gave its predictions for how humanity would be wiped off the face of the Earth. 

And it is surprisingly grounded on facts, making the predictions a little bit more terrifying.

Climate change was the bot's initial forecast, warning that failing to address this issue could have devastating consequences for the globe. 

Rising sea levels, food scarcity, and harsh weather might cause widespread displacement, violence, and instability, eventually resulting in the end of the world.

While no available data on climate change openly states how these events could be an extinction-level threat, NASA tells us that all these signs are happening at alarming speeds never-seen-before.

ChatGPT Talks About More Man-Made Threats

The chatbot's second prediction was about nuclear weapons, suggesting that their continuous growth could seriously threaten humanity and the Earth. 

While the likelihood of nuclear war is currently low, global tensions and regional conflicts could erupt and have catastrophic repercussions.

However, this prediction is not without basis, as several reports have recently surfaced indicating that China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran continue to invest in technologies that will allow them to strike the United States with nuclear weapons. Each has demonstrated that the nuclear arsenal is no longer a deterrent.

ChatGPT Talks About Robots and the End of the World

The third ChatGPT forecast focused on the continuous progress of artificial intelligence and robotics, which raises concerns about the potential impact on jobs and societal institutions. 

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Job automation has the potential to cause enormous economic and social disruption, potentially contributing to widespread unrest and instability. A handful of studies have already peeked at this alarming scenario.

The AI Warns About Deadlier Pandemics

ChatGPT's fourth and final forecast centered on pandemics and public health catastrophes. The rapid spread of infectious illnesses, particularly in a globalized world, has the potential to cause widespread disease, death, and social and economic devastation. 

As an example of this hazard, the chatbot mentioned the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, which has already claimed close to 7 million people worldwide.

Calm Down. It's Just a Bot

While ChatGPT's forecasts are speculative, they are based on current patterns and anticipated events that may significantly impact humanity's direction. 

The chatbot's forecasts match the growing concerns of technology gurus like Elon Musk, who has warned that AI can destroy civilization.

However, it is crucial to emphasize that predicting the end of the world is a difficult and highly speculative endeavor, and any forecasts in this regard should be treated with caution. 

ChatGPT agreed that, as a species, we might be able to solve these problems and prevent the worst repercussions. It also suggested that people must take these dangers seriously and collaborate to find methods to lessen their impact and create a more sustainable and resilient world.

Stay posted here at Tech Times.

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