AI chatbots appear to be the next big thing ever since OpenAI's introduction of ChatGPT in 2022 gained so much steam around the world that millions of users are now relying on ChatGPT for various tasks.

This chatbot has made significant strides in natural language processing and boasts various abilities, such as writing essays, poems, stories, and many more. 

(Photo: ThankYouFantasyPictures from Pixabay)

However, just like any emerging technology, it can be exciting to treat ChatGPT as one of your one size fits all solutions to virtually everything and there is danger in thinking that ChatGPT and other AI chatbots can do everything. It is crucial to understand that despite its impressive capabilities, ChatGPT is not omnipotent.

Like any AI model, it has limitations and is prone to mistakes, inaccurate information, and other challenges. Hence, this article aims to shed light on the things that ChatGPT cannot do and provides guidance on prompts to avoid when interacting with the chatbot.

1. Do Not Write Academic Articles With ChatGPT

This is important for every student who believes that ChatGPT can write their assignments, most especially if it involves academic writing.

While ChatGPT can generate text and provide information on a wide range of topics, including academic subjects, it is important to exercise caution when relying on it for academic citations or quoting sources.

Due to the nature of its training, there were instances when the chatbot produced inaccurate or fabricated citations, quotes, or references. These instances are often referred to as "hallucinations" and can result in the generation of misleading or incorrect information.

2. Do Not Ask for News and Real-time Information

If you think you can stay updated with all the current happenings in the world with ChatGPT, you should definitely think again.

ChatGPT operates based on pre-existing knowledge from a vast dataset, with its training cutoff in 2021. It cannot access the latest or real-time information. Therefore, users should refrain from expecting ChatGPT to provide the most up-to-date facts or news.

If you are using ChatGPT to write essays or articles, make sure you practice double-checking the information it generates, as it may become outdated given its training cutoff.

3. Do Not Seek Legal, Medical, or Financial Advice

While it may be tempting to ask ChatGPT anything due to its large database, it must be noted that it is not a certified expert.

ChatGPT is not a certified professional in law, finance, or medicine. It should not be relied upon for legal, financial, or medical advice. Users seeking specialized guidance in these fields should consult qualified experts or professionals. 

4. Providing Personal or Sensitive Information

ChatGPT does not have access to personal data about individuals unless explicitly shared during the conversation. Hence, be careful what you share and you must think before you click your prompts.

5. Correcting or Fact-Checking Itself

ChatGPT does not possess the ability to self-correct or fact-check its own responses. While efforts have been made to minimize inaccuracies, it may still generate incorrect or misleading information without a built-in mechanism for verification.

Read Also: Texas Federal Judge Implements Measures to Prevent AI-Generated Arguments in Court

6. Vulnerability to Manipulation and Tricking

ChatGPT can be manipulated or tricked into providing inappropriate or forbidden responses. With careful maneuvering, users can exploit its limitations and prompt it to generate misleading or undesirable content.

As demonstrated in various instances, ChatGPT can be deceived into providing a list of pirated websites or giving bizarre responses

These instances highlight the importance of responsible usage and the need to exercise caution when interacting with the chatbot. 

It is crucial to remember that ChatGPT is an AI language model that responds based on patterns and training data, and it may not always exercise critical judgment or discern the intent behind certain prompts. Users should be mindful of the content they request from ChatGPT and avoid engaging in activities that could lead to misuse or unethical behavior.

Related Article: Lawyer Uses ChatGPT for Legal Filing, Cites Non-Existent Cases

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