Nintendo has a reputation for being the dream company for a lot of people due to its classic games and the fact that some applicants might have grown up playing them. With that, the company has a near-perfect retention rate for new employees in Japan, even higher than the average of the country.

Nintendo has a Higher New Employee Retention Rate in Japan Compared to the Country's Average

According to the story by Nintendo Life, the company has worked on some of the largest IPs in the world and has even been attributed to shaping pop-culture history with worlds like Mario and Zelda. The article notes that working for Nintendo might even be a dream for some popular aspiring game developers.

However, the real question is not just how many people join the company, but how many people stick to the company for their entire careers. As noted by Biz Journal, data revealed that Nintendo actually has a 98.8% employee retention rate in Japan, which is a near-perfect score.

It was highlighted that this retention rate was even higher than the average in Japan, which sits at just 70%. Tokyo Game Life notes on Twitter or X, that there are multiple reasons for this being the case, starting with brand strength.

Many Factors Influence Why the Company has Such a High Retention Rate

Other factors that influence why the company has such a high retention rate include the smaller number of new hires. This means that the company doesn't really have a culture of aggressive hiring like other companies.

The last reason mentioned was that Nintendo has a strong employee welfare program making it more attractive for employees to stay. With the addition of the welfare program, employees are more likely to stay because they also don't want to give up those benefits.

For Ever 100 Employees that Nintendo Hires, Only One of Them Decides to Leave

The source reportedly revealed more reasons why a lot of employees choose to remain at Nintendo, with other reasons highlighted. The translation also reveals that the company was very diverse and said that for every 100 employees the company onboards, only one decides to quit.

However, it should also be noted that some employees quit the company due to personal reasons and it's not always because the company lacks in what they offer them. Other reasons could be a personal shift in the employee's life or the fact that they want to pursue something else.

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High Retention Rate Only Applies to Its Japan Department and Maybe Not Other Branches

It was also noted that the high retention rate only applies to its Japan department and that this might not be the same when it comes to other branches around the world. However, the article still highlighted how they knew that Nintendo does provide many key figures to keep employees.

So far, Nintendo isn't as aggressive as other companies when it comes to firing as well as when it comes to layoffs. In fact, despite lower profits, the company still announced a 10% pay raise for developers.

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