Mexican medical professionals discovered "no evidence of any assembly or manipulation of the skulls," saying the "non-human being" bones submitted to lawmakers last week were not human-made.

Two samples were subjected to the test at the Noor Clinic, and Jaime Maussan's YouTube channel broadcast the whole process live. The director of the Health Sciences Research Institute in the office of the secretary of the Mexican Navy, José Zalce Benitez, announced the results and said that the examinations proved the purported aliens belonged to a single skeleton and were not put together with human things.

The astounding discovery that one of the samples "was alive, was intact, was biological, and was in gestation" was another accomplishment of the Benitez-led team. He suggested eggs from the supposed extraterrestrial's enormous abdominal lumps.

"I can affirm that these bodies have no relation to human beings," Benitez previously noted, as quoted by the New York Post.

Not From a UFO Crash

The two specimens had enlarged skulls and three fingers on each hand. They were supposedly discovered in Cusco, Peru, in 2017. The remainder of their bodies, which each have two arms and two legs, seem humanoid, but their heads have non-human traits.

Jaime Maussan, who unveiled the mummified specimens in Mexico's Congress, said they had strong, light bones, no teeth, and cadmium and osmium implants, two of Earth's rarest metals. According to Maussan, about one-third of their DNA is "unknown," indicating that they are not related to "our terrestrial evolution."

Maussan, a journalist, presented his research under oath during the unveiling at Mexico's Congress and also claimed that the specimens were not the consequence of a UFO crash. They were allegedly discovered in diatom (algae) mines and eventually became "fossilized," according to him, according to Sky News.

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In reaction to these claims, Professor Brian Cox of the University of Manchester's School of Physics and Astronomy, demanded that the alien specimens be independently verified, and he suggested that a sample be submitted to the biotechnology firm 23andme, The Independent reported. Cox doubted an intelligent alien race would resemble humans.

Jaime Maussan has previously claimed to have discovered alien life. He claimed in 2015 that a mummified corpse discovered in Peru in Nazca belonged to an extraterrestrial, but further tests showed it to be the remains of a human kid.

The National Autonomous University of Mexico explained that its researchers had only ever tested carbon on skin samples that had been given by a customer in 2017, never having seen the real specimens. The institution said they only used carbon-dated samples to identify their age, not their origin.

Peru Launches Investigation on 'Alien Corpses'

Meanwhile, the New York Post reported that Peru has opened a criminal inquiry to learn more about the reported "non-human alien corpses" that were shown before the Mexican legislature last week, thrilling UFO conspiracy enthusiasts.

Leslie Urteaga, the minister of culture for Peru, has questioned the evacuation of the remains, which she described as having human traits but labeled as pre-Hispanic artifacts. Concerning the incident, a criminal complaint has been made.

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