Motion Twin, the development studio behind the acclaimed roguelike Dead Cells, recently sent shockwaves through the gaming community by announcing that it will abandon the future updates for the game.

This unexpected decision caught many fans off guard and drew sharp criticism from one of the game's former lead designers, Sébastien Benard. Let's know why the developer decided and how the former co-creator reacted upon learning this devastating news.

The Legacy of Dead Cells

(Photo : Steam)
The decision to stop the future updates for Dead Cells does not sit right for its former co-creator. Sébastien Benard is currently unhappy about the new announcement for the game.

Since its release in 2018, Dead Cells has captivated players with its dynamic gameplay, blending action-platformer elements with roguelike mechanics and Metroidvania-style exploration.

Players traverse procedurally generated levels, engaging in fast-paced combat, acquiring upgrades, and unlocking new abilities with each playthrough. The game's challenging difficulty and fluid movement have earned it widespread acclaim in the indie gaming scene.

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Sébastien Benard's Strong Response

Benard, who served as the lead designer for Dead Cells, voiced his dissatisfaction with Motion Twin's decision on the game's Discord channel. As reported by GameRant, he criticized the studio's actions as detrimental to Dead Cells and its dedicated player base.

Moreover, Benard hinted at underlying tensions within the studio and accused Motion Twin of prioritizing financial gain over the game's integrity. He also called them "greedy."

Motion Twin's Justification

In their announcement, Motion Twin cited concerns about creative stagnation and the risk of diluting Dead Cells' unique appeal as reasons for discontinuing updates. The studio also alluded to their focus on future projects, including the upcoming title Windblown. However, Motion Twin assured players that they would continue to address quality-of-life issues and bugs in Dead Cells across all platforms.

"We are immensely proud of the work we have put into the game, we loved every minute and are very thankful to Motion Twin for trusting us and letting us play with their baby for so long. The good news is that our Dead Cells team have been unleashed to pump their talent into our secret projects, and we'll be revealing what their crazy minds have been coming up with very soon! Meanwhile we of course wish the best for Motion Twin and godspeed to their new game Windblown," the statement reads.

Speculation and Reflection

Following his initial criticism, Benard offered further insights into Motion Twin's decision in a blog post. While acknowledging the impulsiveness of his earlier remarks, he maintained skepticism regarding the studio's motives.

The former lead game designer of Dead Cells speculated that the move could be a strategic decision to prioritize their new projects, potentially at the expense of Dead Cells' legacy.

Uncertain Future, Ongoing Projects

The game's future remains uncertain as the Dead Cells community can't get over with Motion Twin's decision. However, players can still engage with the Dead Cells universe through ongoing projects like the animated series. Despite the disappointment surrounding the end of updates, the roguelike title continues to impact several gaming communities.

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