Family Feud host Steve Harvey is known for his outlandish and appalled reactions to really stupid responses from the contestants. He often rolls his eyes and playfully berates them for their ignorance. Just like past host Richard Dawson would kiss all of the ladies on the show, this type of behavior is kind of his M.O.

During a recent episode of the long-running game show, Harvey asked contestants Darci and Manny to "Name something a doctor might pull out of a person." Darci was the first to hit her buzzer and replied with "a gerbil" without any hesitation.

Spoiler alert: This was not the No.1 answer to the survey question posed by Harvey. Shockingly, it was not even on the board. I don't know what Darci does in her free time, but girl needs to get out more. Or get out less. I'm not sure which one it is.

Harvey accordingly freaked out. I am genuinely impressed that he didn't just fall over at the absurdity of this response. Good for him. I loved that he just kept repeating "Bam! Gerbil!" in describing how quickly Darci was at the ready with her answer. That was accurate.

And what was the other contestant's reaction, you ask? He just had a really loud, hearty and animated laugh, which is basically how you will react when you watch this video. Play the full clip below, and see what I mean.

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