All three editions of the Apple Watch will each offer 8 GB of memory and even less space for personal data. The roughly 2 GB of data reserved for personal space may concern prospective buyers of Apple's smartwatch, but the reasoning behind the slim storage is what makes so many people love the company.

Apple is only giving Watch wearers 2 GB of storage for music and a 75 MB carry-on bag for photos -- it's the same on the Sport, Watch and Edition versions of the Apple Watch.

The word "personal" gets tossed around often when Apple speaks about its first entry into the wearable tech market.

Some may argue that their iPods, and now iPhones, stored so many of their digital memories that these became their most personal devices. The Apple Watch does the opposite to achieve similar regard from its wearers.

The Apple Watch's 2 GB of storage will likely serve as home to those essentials the wearer can't run without, or those handful of songs that would be taken on a desert island in a restrictive hypothetical, those anthems that define that person. In that spirit, the Apple Watch's photo storage is 75 MB.

Although the images are scaled down to the point where roughly 100 pictures would fit onto the Apple Watch, that small cache of pictures would, for many wearers, store the most meaningful imagery.

As far as that other 6 GB of storage space goes, Apple has cordoned that off to ensure that users don't screw up the Watch experience. With users asked to bring their most essential images and songs to the island, Apple can maintain order and ensure the Apple Watch serves new data instead of turning into wrist-work lockers.

It's still unclear how much space is partitioned for the different elements behind the wall, but Apple is believed to have left itself ample space to roll out improvements to its smartwatch. That space also leaves room for native apps, which will refine the Apple Watch's identity and give it more independence from iPhones.

Apple hasn't revealed how much space the Watch OS will consume, but that 6 GB of space won't be filled with system processes. The iPhone will take care of the bulk of the number crunching, and the smartwatches will host the side-loaded apps that translate that data into the Watch.

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