It's almost hard to imagine going through the day without sending at least one text message. It has become a norm of society to send texts instead of actually picking up the phone to talk, as the means of communication in this age continue to evolve.

It's not that people don't have the time for phone conversations, it's just that they prefer to send texts, rather than verbalize. But when it comes to texting, no one has the time to write out every single word, and why should we when there are acronyms for just about everything?

And since teens are commonly using abbreviations in their text message—whether this is because they are raised with the technology or they are trying to hide what they are really saying if parents peak in— it appears that even text lingo continues to evolve.

It's safe to assume that there are some pretty basic text acronyms that most tech and text-savvy people know. Of course these include phrases like LOL (laughing out loud), BRB (be right back), and OMG (oh my god).

Text lingo is always changing based on what the popular words used in our modern day vocabularies are. With the help of social media, we have been introduced to words like "bae" (baby sweetie) and "thirsty" (adjective to describe someone's desperation), and phrases like "on fleek" (on point), "turn up" (getting pumped up) and "I literally can't (a phrase used when something it just too amazing).

While many have to actually look up some of these words and phrases to know their meanings, these just scratch the surface of popular text lingo. Thanks to sites like Reddit and message boards, acronyms continue to pop up online.

And many teens are incorporating these acronyms in their texts, some even using more explicit codes because parents are probably unaware of what they mean.

Here are the most commonly used text and online lingo that everyone needs to know.

AFAIR: As Far As I Remember/Recall

DAE: Does Anyone Else

FTW: For The Win

HIFW: How I Feel When

IMO: In My Opinion

NBD: No Big Deal

NSFB: Not Safe For Breakfast/Bedtime (typically disturbing content)

NSFW: Not Suitable For Work (usually sexual content)

SMH: Shaking My Head

TBT: Throw Back Thursday

tl:dr: too long, didn't read

9: Parents are watching

CD9: Parents are around (code 9)

BROKEN: Hung over

ASL: Age/Sex/Location

1174: Location of Place To Meet At

GNOC: Get Naked On Cam

420: Marijuana

DOC: Drug of Choice

The list of the most commonly used text and online lingo will continue to evolve. But at least for now, we can continue to stay in the loop as these trends change and further grow.

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Photo: J Haymesisvi Photography | Flickr

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