The limited edition white Xbox Ones that came bundled with Sunset Overdrive over the holiday season sold out quickly last year, never to be seen again. Now, white Xboxes are making their return and are coming bundled with a digital copy of Halo: The Master Chief Collection.

A white Xbox One, plus four Halo games for $349? Sounds like a good deal, but the only catch is finding one of these special edition white console bundles out in the wild.

Microsoft's Larry Hyrb (aka Major Nelson) announced the bundle today via his blog. The way he writes it, it seems like these bundles will be in very short supply and only around for a limited time when they roll out to stores later this month. He recommends checking with various retailers in order to secure one but doesn't say specifically which retailers might be stocking these rare bundles.

If it's anything like the Sunset Overdrive bundle or the 1 TB hard drive Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Xbox One bundle, these consoles are going to sell lightning fast, especially if only a few of them are being sent to stores. You might want to start calling now.

A 343 Industries developer confirmed over Twitter that Microsoft is working on putting together a limited edition Halo 5 Xbox One bundle that will no doubt launch alongside the game on Oct. 27. However, we don't know what that console will look like or what it will include, only that its arrival is all but inevitable. Chances are it will feature some kind of special design, so if you want the pure white featured in the image below, you best starting hunting.

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