A Kenyan lawyer is making a bold move in hopes to wed the daughter of Barack Obama, the President of the United States. The daughter in question is no other than Malia Obama.

The Kenyan, who goes by the name Felix Kiprono, says he is willing to deliver 50 cows, 70 sheep and 30 goats to Mr. Obama for the opportunity to wed his daughter. Apparently, Kiprono has been interested in Malia since 2008 and is so transfixed that he will go out of this way to gain her hand.

At the time he first began to like Malia, she was 10 years old and Barack Obama was just running for office. Seven years later, Malia is now 17, but how old is Mr. Kiprono? If he's a lawyer as he stated, then he has got to be older than 17, probably much older.

We doubt the president would want to give away his daughter to a person who is quite older than her. Furthermore, 50 cows, 70 sheep and 30 goats might not be enough to win Malia's heart, so Mr. Kiprono may have to do a lot better than that.

"I got interested in her in 2008," Kiprono said, in an interview with The Nairobian newspaper.

"As a matter of fact, I haven't dated anyone since and promise to be faithful to her. I have shared this with my family, and they are willing to help me raise the bride price," he said.

The poor lad is currently drafting up a letter to be sent to the president. He hopes the U.S. embassy will deliver the message to the POTUS in the near future. He also hopes Obama brings his daughter with him when he makes his first presidential visit to Kenya, his place of birth.

For those who might believe Kiprono is only making a move to get a piece of the Obama fortune, well, think again. He claims that his love is real and not based on money.

He won't get what he wants, but we give him a big A+ for effort.

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Photo: U.S. Embassy | Flickr