After its triumphant first season, The Flash is ramping up to return in early October. The CW has begun airing 10-second teasers for Season 2 to get fans excited.

Like the Flash himself, the teasers are fast. Blink-and-you'll-miss-them kind of fast.

So what can fans expect in the second season of The Flash? First, due to the events of the Season 1 finale, time has been rewritten, so a few famliar things will have changed. Despite Eobard Thawne's fate in the season finale, Tom Cavanaugh is set to return as a Harrison Wells from an alternate Earth. The show is keeping mum on what else has changed, though, so you can expect those surprises to be revealed across the first batch of episodes.

Another superhero known as the Flash in DC Comics, Jay Garrick, is set to show up in the form of actor Teddy Seals. Shantel VanSanten joins the cast as Patty Spivot, Joe West's new partner who's also a love interest for Barry. The main villain is expected to be time traveller Zoom. Wally West, Barry Allen's successor in the comics, is also expected to appear. Actor Keiynan Lonsdale has been cast in the role.

Expect plenty of surprises, more characters, crossovers with Arrow and the upcoming Legends of Tomorrow, and continued build up to what fans believe will be a TV version of the classic comic book event Crisis On Infinite Earths.

Check out the first two teasers here.

The Flash returns to The CW on Tuesday, October 6.

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