Iris West from The Flash is aiming to kick it up a notch in season 2 of the hit TV series. Apparently, she won't just be another member of the team, but a team leader.

According to Entertainment Weekly, Iris will adopt the role due to the absence of Harrison Wells/Eobard Thawne.

"Iris slides into [the role] very naturally," said executive producer Andrew Kreisberg. "She's a born leader. One of the best things in the premiere is Barry decides that he wants to work alone because he doesn't want to risk anyone else's lives, and Iris is really the one who gets the band back together again. She's the only one who can stand up to Barry."

We're surprised Iris West is being promoted to team leader status in such a short amount of time. In the first season of The Flash, the character was more annoying than someone constantly saying your name over and over.

Hopefully, the writers do a better job with Iris this time around, because we doubt fans would want a team leader who annoys everyone. Furthermore, this might come off as dissing, but Iris isn't the smartest of the group, so we would rather have someone else take over the leading aspect.

The first season of The Flash ended with a bang and also a cliffhanger, as Barry ran into what appears to be a black hole and we got the chance to see what could happen in the future for some of the major characters.

No doubt, Barry Allen will return, but it is not certain where his head space will be after everything that had happened.

From leaked images and information, we also know that several members of The Flash family will appear in the new season. Jay Garrick is one of them, along with Wally West, who is a mixed-race teenager related to Iris West.

The new season will kick off before the end of the year, and it should bring forth some of the best action we have ever seen.

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