Straighten up! It is good for your health. And if you need some constant reminding to maintain good posture, technology may just have the perfect solution.

Emerging tech fashion company Adela Health has come up with a brilliant new item. TruPosture, a sleeveless shirt, reminds its users to straighten up.

The shirt has a wire that runs down the back of the shirt, from the collar down to the lower back. The zigzag-shape wire tracks the spine's curvature and sends the wearer signals in the form of vibe bursts whenever he or she starts to slump.

The slumping wearer will feel a single vibration. Leaning too far backward will trigger two succeeding vibrations. The vibration is felt on the spine, on the exact spot where the wearer is curved over too much. That way, the wearer knows exactly how to straighten up.

The shirt is packed with a series of nanosensors that determine, track and record how straight the wearer's back is.

TruPosture also features connectivity via Bluetooth, enabling the transmission of spine curvature data to the free app available for iOS, Windows Phone and Android. With the app, users can set up a target posture position and then check how they do in the succeeding days. The app enables users to see a graphical representation of their spine in real-time as well as track their progress.

The shirt isn't just for sitting as it also offers additional modes to help users improve their posture when standing or doing stretches and other custom activities.

The technology can reduce back pains and avoid long-term health problems associated with the spine.

The TruPosture shirt is tailored from breathable Lycra. It is sweat-resistant and treated with anti-microbial odor control. The item is machine washable, although it is unclear whether it can be thrown in the dryer.

Based in the United States, Adela Health is seeking $50,000 in crowdfunding on Indiegogo to mass-produce the wearable.

A $149 pledge gets backers a TruPosture smart shirt in their preferred style, size and color. Shipping is estimated for May 2016.

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