Microsoft Bing powered by ChatGPT is now available on the Android OS, for different devices like smartphones and tablets experience the beta testing phase of the system. For now, users would have to sign-up for Microsoft's beta to receive the ChatGPT-enhanced version of Bing in order to get its AI power and features in search. 

There is currently limited acceptance to the beta phase of Bing, and it is stumbling upon a catch for Android users on their experience with the AI features of the search engine. 

Microsoft Bing with ChatGPT Beta Now Available on Android 

(Photo : JASON REDMOND/AFP via Getty Images)
Yusuf Mehdi, Microsoft Corporate Vice President of Modern Life, Search, and Devices, speaks during a keynote address announcing ChatGPT integration for Bing at Microsoft in Redmond, Washington, on February 7, 2023. 

Yusuf Mehdi, Corporate Vice President & Consumer Chief Marketing Officer, announced via a news release that Microsoft Bing with ChatGPT is already available for Android users to experience. The only thing people need to do now is to apply for the Beta testing phase to get the famed ChatGPT integration on their search engine. 

Users need to sign-up for the coveted waitlist that will give them an update via their Microsoft account e-mail addresses to get this feature.

The Bing Android app is already available on the Google Play Store, but it does not yet automatically come with the ChatGPT integration, only for those eligible to try out this feature.

Read Also: Microsoft Bing AI Chatbot Now Limited to Five Replies Per Session: Here's Why

What is the Catch with Microsoft Bing on Android?

There are several catches to Microsoft Bing with ChatGPT on Android, a.k.a. the "new" Bing, as it centers mostly on empowering Microsoft apps like Bing, Edge, and Skype for its use. 

Additionally, it features voice support on the app which the AI would help on fulfilling, but it still competes with the default Google Assistant on mobile platforms. 

Microsoft Bing with ChatGPT

It was a ruckus earlier this month, as two Big Tech companies revealed their latest update on their famed search engines, with Google and Microsoft hashing it out with their AI developments. Google was first to unveil the Bard, but several hours later, Microsoft announced the event which took place days later, and revealed the Bing with ChatGPT by early February. 

Bing's features include many things, and it comes with the typical search engine assistance that OpenAI's system helps in delivering to the world. Moreover, it first came with the chatbot features where the public may converse with Bing in a conversational tone to ask it different questions which the AI will answer. 

All of these were released for the desktops first, but the company promised mobile integration is coming. 

The recent announcement of Microsoft ensures Android users that its most advanced search engine is already available for their use, but it would have to go under beta testing for now. Additionally, it is still limited to Microsoft apps in this release, and there is still an obstacle with the Google Assistant voice support, considering that it is on Android.

Related Article: Microsoft Bing AI Chatbot is Restoring Longer Chats 'Responsibly'

Isaiah Richard

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