How many screens is enough screens for a smartphone? You probably answered "one screen," as in, "don't be ridiculous, Brian. Who could ever require more than a single screen on a phone?"

You're thinking way, way too small, dear reader. Clearly the answer is two. After all, there's that whole other wise of the phone that's just going to waste. Like the Yota Phone before it, the Siam 7x aims to fill in a hole most smartphone owners didn't know they had, with a secondary display on the rear of the device.

Though naturally, it can't do it all on its own, so the company has launched an Indiegogo campaign to get its two screens off the launch pad.

There's not a lot in the way of specs right now, but the primary display is a fully functioning LCD, while the rear-facing one appears to be e-ink - or something similar, which should help the handset squeeze the most out of its battery when the secondary screen is activated.

There are a number of other interesting tidbits about the device - for starters, there's a partnership with 50 Cent's SMS Audio for better sounding speakers, waterproofing, dual-SIMS and, get this, earprint biometrics, because come on, this is 2015. We don't use our fingerprints anymore.

Source: Kickstarter

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Tags: siam 7x