Making a character in any RPG can often be a meticulous, time-consuming process. Many players want to get their character just right, and will plan their character's development from level 1 to 100 before they ever pick up the controller.

It's part of what makes RPGs so great. Fallout 4 looks like it will provide plenty of choices for players to consider in making their character, and it could take a long time for somebody to read about all the perks and abilities available.

That's where a new Fallout 4 character creation website from (via Kotaku) comes in. Rather than spending hours on Nov. 10 reading perk descriptions, you can get ahead of the game by calculating your characters stats and abilities right now with the Fallout 4 build planner.

You'll start with assigning your character's S.P.E.C.I.A.L. scores. Hovering over each attribute will give you an idea of how a certain attribute will help you in the game. You then assign the points accordingly. Once you've done that, click the "Next" button and select "Level Up". From there you'll be to select your first perk.

Hovering over the perks will give you a brief description of what the perk does for your character. If a perk is colored in gray, that means you meet the needed requirements to select that perk. If a perk is in black, that means you still need to meet some of the requirements before you'll be able to select it.

That's all there is to it really. You can level up your character as many times as you want and experiment with different character builds to your heart's content.

Keep in mind that some of the information used to make the character builder, like the various perks, skill requirements, etc., come from the recently leaked footage of the game that has been circulating around online. As a result, not all of the perk level requirements are known at this time, though all the perks and their descriptions seem to be final. If you want to remain 100 percent spoiler free come launch day, you might not want to use the site. However, if you are okay with learning about the perks ahead of time, you have nothing to worry about. You won't find any story spoilers on the site, only character creation goodness. Now if only there was a site where you could spend hours making your character's face ahead of the game's release.

Fallout 4 releases on Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC on Nov. 10.

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