Attack on Titan is one of the few animes to have gone mainstream here in the States, and as a result, we've seen numerous spin-off comics, live-action movies and merchandise make its way here as well. While the franchise has received games before, none of them quite captured the intensity of the show.

It looks like that might be changing with the upcoming Attack on Titan game from Koei Tecmo. A new English trailer for the game was released today, and it features gameplay footage that has us excited.

Koei Tecmo may be known for its Dynasty Warrior series, but Attack on Titan adopts a much different approach. Rather than fighting hordes of enemies, players must defeat a handful of super-powerful ones, using their 3D-maneuvering gear to dodge their attacks and strike their weak point. A slice to the back of the neck may bring the Titans down, but if you're having trouble, you can always slice off a Titan's limb or two to give you an advantage.

The combat looks fast and fluid, and the visuals are top-notch. The game is coming to Sony's PlayStation 4 console, and it looks to be putting the machine's power to good use. From the blood that splashes when a Titan is wounded to the sense of speed the game conveys while using the 3D-maneuvering gear, it looks like Koei Tecmo might have a winner on their hands.

The company has previously said that the game would follow the first season of the anime. Currently, the game doesn't have a title beyond Attack on Titan, but that may change soon. You can read more about the game here.

Koei Tecmo's Attack on Titan is coming to all Sony consoles sometime in 2016.

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