Peggy Carter waits for no man, unless, of course, it's Captain America or the President of the United States.

Unfortunately, the current President of the United States recently scheduled a State of the Union address for the night of Jan. 12, which would interfere with the second episode of the new season of Agent Carter.

ABC recently announced that, instead of premiering Agent Carter on Jan. 5 as originally intended, it's now pushing back that premiere by two weeks, to Jan. 19. However, the good news is that the premiere will run two hours (probably meaning that it's the first two episodes back-to-back).

This season of Agent Carter sees Peggy (Hayley Atwell) heading to the glitz and glamour of 1940s Los Angeles, where a new adventure awaits her and her trusty sidekick Jarvis (James d'Arcy). However, they won't have much time to indulge in all the Hollywood fun because their most dangerous threat yet awaits them there.

"It's going to be set in L.A. and it's set a year later," said Atwell at this year's St. Louis Wizard World Comic Con. "Peggy's in quite a different place. She's not grieving as much. It's not as raw for her to have lost Steve. I think we'll see much more light, warmth and humor. But I think there will also be something very like L.A. Confidential, the film noir, the very glamorous L.A. life with that sort of dark underbelly of L.A. in the '40s."

Peggy Carter made her first appearance in Captain America: The First Avenger, and struck such a chord with fans that resulted in Marvel deciding to give her a series, which premiered earlier this year. The series became a hit, resulting in ABC deciding to give it this second season.

"I think it's the support of the fans saying that they want that and they want more of it," said Atwell. "And it's a dialogue between the audience and the industry saying this is what we want and this is what we're ready for. I felt like the audience was speaking out. And I do hope that it will start a quiet revolution because the audience is there and they want it. It's time."

So, mark your calendars, Agent Carter fans: the series returns to ABC on Jan. 19.

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