At the end of season two of "Arrow," Oliver Queen and Team Arrow had defeated Deathstroke's army and were enjoying some well deserved peace. Showrunners revealed at Comic-Con that peace won't last long, premiering the trailer for the third season of the show during the "Arrow" panel.

Among the most tantalizing pieces of information revealed in the trailer? Oliver and Felicity's first date, Roy Harper as a red garbed Arrow sidekick and Felicity badly wounded.

Show producer Andrew Kreisberg joked, "She had a little booboo."

Season three looks like there will be more costumed heroes running around Star City than ever before. Sara is back in action as Canary, despite being MIA at the end of last season. Roy Harper is in full-on sidekick mode as a red version of Green Arrow, Arsenal. Another potential costumed hero is Brandon Routh's Ray Palmer character, a rival bidder for Queen's company who will most likely become the superhero The Atom, but whether that is during season three or further down the line is up in the air.

"Arrow" and CW's "The Flash" will have a two hour-crossover event for each show's respective eighth episode, with Felicity making an appearance in Flash's home turf of Central City.

In true "Arrow" fashion, there will also be plenty of flashbacks of Queen's time away, but this time not of the island. Flashbacks in Hong Kong will further explore the character's past at a time when the world thought him dead. Felicity too will receive a flashback-centric episode about her time studying at M.I.T. The name of that episode is "Oracle" and is sure to provide some surprises for fans.

During the Comic-Con panel showrunners wouldn't reveal too much about the next season, but they did say that Oliver and Felicity's date doesn't go too well, saying that they opted to "go for Italian." Roy as Arsenal will help Oliver lighten up a bit as they build towards the more classic DC version of Green Arrow, who is known for being sarcastic and witty.

Showrunners said the decision to bring in Routh's Ray Palmer character was that they wanted someone lighthearted to work opposite Oliver, and judging from the trailer Routh looks like a fun addition to the cast.

Showrunners teased that one of the core themes for season three is "at what price is victory?" That is certainly foreboding for Team Arrow, as they fight to maintain their hard earned victories. Be sure to catch "Arrow" season three when it premieres on the CW October 8.

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