Destiny's tentacle faced merchant is back in the Tower to sell you exotics, and he has a solid selection of goods this week.

But before we get started, where can you find the Merchant this week? Upon spawning in the Tower, go straight ahead down the ramp and turn left. You'll find him there.

As for what he has for sale, the exotic auto-rifle Monte Carlo is likely to be the biggest attraction. The weapon has a high rate of fire and low impact, which may turn off some, but its perks that recharge melee abilities make it perfect for the Guardian who loves close combat in the Crucible. Plus it looks really, really cool.

Helm of Inmost Light will be of interest to Titans growing tired of the Sunbreaker subclass. After yesterday's nerfs, the Striker might make a bit of a comeback, and this is one of the best helms if you are going to be using Fist of Havoc. Warlocks who are of the Void will find plenty to enjoy with Nothing Manacles, a year one exotic now entering year two. The extra grenade charge and tracking ability makes it a powerful exotic to have in the Crucible.

As usual, Xur is selling Three of Coins and an exotic legacy engram, this time a primary weapon. You can see his location and full list of wares below.

Xur's Wares

Helm of Inmost Light, exotic Titan helmet - 13 Strange Coins

Radiant Dance Machines, exotic Hunter leg armor - 13 Strange Coins

Nothing Manacles, exotic Warlock gauntlets - 13 Strange Coins

Monte Carlo, exotic auto-rifle - 23 Strange Coins

Legacy Primary Weapon Engram - 31 Strange Coins

See you next week Guardians!

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