Hot on the heels of Microsoft's free game announcements, Sony has followed up with its own.

This batch of free games coming to PlayStation Plus subscribers is particularly special this month because fans had a role in choosing one of the titles. Sony presented three PlayStation 4 games earlier this month and asked fans which game they would want to see offered for free in March.

Looks like the Contra-style shooter and '80s action movie tribute Broforce won the day and will be free all of next month. Joining it on PS4 will be Galak-Z, a space shooter heavily inspired by old-school mech anime like Gundam and Robotech. Fans of fast-paced action and terrifying numbers of enemy bullets filling the screen should find plenty to love next month.

It's not only PS4 gamers who are getting free titles to enjoy. As always, Sony is offering up two PS3 games and two PS Vita games for players to snag as well. On the PlayStation 3, The Last Guy and Super Stardust HD will be going free. On the Vita, Flame Over and Reality Fighters will be free to download.

Unlike free games on the Xbox, all six of these titles will be free all month long. That gives players less than a week to snag February's free PS4 games, which include Helldivers and Nom Nom GalaxyHelldivers is a Sony console exclusive twin-stick shooter with an emphasis on cooperative play that was released to critical acclaim last year. Think Starship Troopers (the movie, not the book) and you have a good idea of what's in store for you and your friends. If you would rather explore remote planets in search of tasty ingredients for your galactic soup empire, Nom Nom Galaxy has you covered. The game is a 2D action game (think Terraria) with an emphasis on collecting resources.

You can check out Xbox's free games for March here, and be sure to check out our breakdown of both Sony and Microsoft's free game offerings for February to see which service provides the most bang for your buck.

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