Chinese-Made Ivanka Trump Scarves Recalled For Burn Risk

Thousands of Chinese-made Ivanka Trump scarves are now being recalled due to possible burn risk. This decision comes at a time when his father, Donald Trump, is heard criticizing overseas manufacturing.

The U.S. Consumer Products Safety Commission (CPSC) announced on April 6 the recall of 20,000 units of scarves bearing the Ivanka Trump brand imported by GBG Accessories Group based in New York. These scarves were sold at prices from $12 to $68, between October 2014 and January 2016 in different online and offline stores, including Stein Mart, TJ Maxx, Marshalls, Amazon, Lord & Taylor and Century 21.

CSPC called these scarves a "hazard" for failing to pass the standards set by the Flammable Fabrics Act of 1953, which applies to different types of children's sleepwear, mattresses, films made of vinyl plastic, and textiles.

Although the announcement didn't specifically identify the reason for failing the flammability standard, it's possible that the reason is its material. The scarves are made from 100 percent rayon, a regenerated cellulose fabric that is commonly used, but also highly flammable.

These recalled scarves, about 76 x 24 inches, are also designed with hems that have been machine rolled and are available in two designs: the Beach Wave in colors of yellow, coral, and blue, as well as Brushstrokes Oblong in green, neutral, red, and blue. They bear the Ivanka Trump brand in silver embroidery sewn on the edge.

So far, there has been no reported injury or accident, but CSPC reminds consumers who have bought these scarves to avoid using the product and request for a full refund from the store where they purchased them.

Ivanka has yet to issue an official statement about the recall, but a spokesperson of her company has already expressed disappointment.

"[W]e are relieved that immediate action is being taken [and] we're seeing to it that this issue is fixed immediately," said the spokesperson.

Interestingly, Ivanka's father, a business honcho and a Republican candidate for president, has recently showed a tough stance against outsourcing, even calling out Apple for "building their damn computers and things in this country instead of in other countries."

Many of the products under the Trump brand, though, are believed to be manufactured in countries like Bangladesh and China where labor costs are cheap and workforce is enormous.

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