The new feature in Chrome for Android delivers instant search results to anyone who's making a simple search query by getting the answers directly from the address bar without having to press the enter key. Chrome for Android will attempt to answer one's questions as soon as one starts typing in an Android device.

The feature, which seemed to be in an experimental phase, could be described as an enhanced auto-suggest function. As long as the search query remains simple and perhaps contains a searchable keyword, then the feature would be able to deliver the answers even when the query or the question is not typed in full.

One example is when asking about the weather. When a user types the word "weather" and follows it up with the city to come up with "Weather Delhi," Chrome for Android will show the current weather temperature of the searched city together with auto-complete suggestions. All of these would show up even without pressing the enter key.

With this feature, the amount of time spent on making a search query is obviously cut down as compared to doing the usual search from the Google homepage. However, the feature is still in a testing phase and not available as a default. This means that users who want to take advantage of the feature should enable it in their devices manually.

It is very easy to start enabling the new search feature. In a new tab, one should type chrome://flags in the address bar. Look for the flag labeled "Enable the Suggestions Service." Click on the drop down box and choose "Enabled." Lastly, relaunch the browser.

Google gives out a warning to all those who want to try out the features that are in an experimental phase. Users should remember that these features may change, break or simply disappear without proper notice. Users must therefore be prepared for risks involved in enabling the features.

Moreover, it should be remembered that features in an experimental phase could result in bugs or any unexpected outcome. This means that only those who are absolutely curious and "bug-loving" can try the features by all means.

Google rolled out Chrome 37 for Android in the first week of September. This latest update from Google, which comes with a Material Design makeover, includes signing in automatically to Google related sites. It also comes with a few enhancements and the normal bug fixes. Moreover, Chrome for Android v38 released a few days ago includes more user interface elements with the Material Design. There's also an added support for the battery and screen orientation APIs. The update is rolled out in stages. Google says that it should be available to all users of Android devices in the next couple of days.

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