Blizzard may have dropped a hint at a new character joining the Overwatch lineup.

In the blog post, the gaming company mainly talked about the return of the heroes and what the founding members have been up to, including Jack Morrison or Soldier: 76, Gabriel Reyes or Reaper, Pharah's mother Ana Amari, Reindhart Wilhelm and Torbjörn Lindholm.

The interesting bit to take away here is that there's actually a sixth founding member named Liao, and he hasn't been mentioned before until now. That means there are currently no pictures or concept art of him.

"The United Nations covertly brought a few of these unique minds together to form a small, nimble team, aimed at striking significant blows against omnic strongholds. Their names — Morrison, Reyes, Amari, Liao, Wilhelm and Lindholm — have since become legendary. The world would come to know them as the founders of Overwatch," Olympia Shaw, journalist for Atlas News — or rather, Blizzard — says.

Considering it's just a surname, it really does leave a lot to the imagination. The best guesses so far are that he's the next upcoming character to be added to the roster and that he's somehow linked to Mei-Ling, another playable character in the game.

To add insult to injury, Blizzard has yet to divulge the whole backstory of the climatologist-slash-adventurer. In other words, there really aren't that much information going around to make grounded guesswork.

Also, the other question that remains is whether he's a good guy or a villain, which the Overwatch selection arguably needs desperately.

With that said, feel free to drop by our comments section below to let us know what you think and share with us your theories on the matter.

On an Overwatch­-related note, the first patch is slated to arrive sometime in June, and it's bringing in ranked matches.

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